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Dear Friends,

We're aiming to make your Holiday time less stressful. How? By taking the cooking off the to-do list. 

This Holiday season, let your purchases keep on giving. You do this by simply choosing City Seeds' catering. Your support lets us hire aspiring chefs that have various barriers to employment with culinary and hospitality skills training. 

Thank you,

Deborah Haust
VP, Humanim Social Enterprises

UPCOMING: 11-4 PM - Dec. 16th

Greater Goods Market at R House (301 W 29th St.). Shop from over 50 local vendors who offer handmade wares. Proceeds from sales will support our mission!

Host your next party at the American Brewery - Architecturally renowned, only 10 minutes from Baltimore's inner harbor.

Let us plan a seamless event with the best food and service in town. 
Have you tried our Baked Triple Creme Brie wrapped in a puff pastry with caramelized apples, brown sugar, dried cranberries, toasted walnuts and served with crispy sesame flatbreads?
Order Now
No work, all play! Your team can take on an Iron Chef Competition in our School of Food teaching kitchen. CitySeeds2019 for 10% off.

Hot Chocolate Bar! 

City Seeds sets up a hot chocolate bar with all the toppings from candy canes to marshmallows, so that your team gets a sweet treat. Book your Hot Chocolate Bar today! Call us at 443-708-3789.

Chef Aharon Denrich and City Seeds Cook Something up for Baltimore's Future

"Growing up in Pikesville and Owings Mills, Denrich recalls watching his parents whip up creative meals and pastries from scratch in the family kitchen. Menus were geared toward Eastern European and Mediterranean influences, and Denrich still uses his grandmother’s recipe for falafel." Read the full story here.

We are cooking food for you that we would give to our children.

Copyright © *2018, City Seeds, A Humanim Social Enterprise, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
1412 N Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21213

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Happy Eating!

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